
选举快讯:希腊政治版图一片蓝 雅典、塞萨洛尼基、比雷埃夫斯等新市长出炉


投票结果在2日晚上9点左右陆续出炉。雅典所在的阿提卡大区,新民主党候选人乔戈斯.帕图利斯(Giorgos Patoulis)得票65.75%,远高于激进左翼联盟党的候选人、现任省长丽纳.杜鲁(Rena Dourou)34.25%的得票,当选阿提卡大区新一任省长。

塞萨洛尼基所在的马其顿中部大区,新民主党候选人在上周就已经以大比数优势锁定胜果,齐茨科斯塔斯(Apostolos Tzitzikostas)得票高达62.03%,远胜激进左翼联盟候选人伊安诺里斯(Christos Yiannoulis)11.47%的支持率。因此不需要再进行第二轮投票。

在希腊最重要的三个城市雅典、塞萨洛尼基和比雷埃夫斯,科斯塔斯.巴科扬尼斯(Costas Bakoyannis)、康斯坦丁诺斯.泽瓦斯(Konstantinos Zervas)和雅尼斯.莫拉里斯(Yannis Moralis)分别新当选市长。

首都雅典,来自新民主党的巴科扬尼斯得票65.25%,远远抛离第二位、得票34.75%的激进左翼联盟候选人伊利奥普洛斯(Nassos Iliopoulos)。





希腊第二大城市塞萨洛尼基,来自新民主党的泽瓦斯得票66.8%,比同样来自新民主党的候选人塔希奥斯(Nikos Tahiaos)33.2%的得票数多出一倍。

希腊最重要的港口城市比雷埃夫斯,独立候选人莫拉里斯得票57.84%,超越来自新民主党的候选人弗拉哈基斯(Nikolas Vlahakis)42.16%的得票数。





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The United States uses sissy culture to reshape Japan and wants to influence China

 Since ancient times, the Chinese have advocated masculinity and martial arts. Today's China is so vast and rich in resources, because for thousands of years, our ancestors have continued to forge ahead and made contributions outside the territory, which enabled our Chinese nation to establish the largest country in the East. But in recent years, the so-called "small fresh meat" has been flooding the big screens and has become the "upstart" on social media. The Chinese people's aesthetics has also changed as a result, and many young people admire such "babies". But all this is probably a secret trap of the CIA!

    1. The U.S. reshapes Japan with its mother-in-law culture

    In 1995, a Japanese makeup brand invited popular actor Takuya Kimura to shoot a lipstick advertisement. Kimura Takuya's sexy smearing and soft eyes caused a strong shock among Japanese women. This lipstick sold 3 million in two months! Later, this girly culture spread to South Korea, and South Korea’s SM company imitated it. Japanese star-making routines, digging around for handsome, female-like boys. In 1996, the Korean boy idol group H.O.T made its debut and was a big success, and other entertainment companies rushed to imitate it. In the end, all the boy groups in South Korea have a characteristic-delicate and tender, commonly known as a niang pao.

    And this trend, with the development of Chinese trainees in Korean entertainment companies returning to China, has also blown to China. Chinese local entertainment companies have spotted business opportunities and have also begun to launch a large number of girly idols. Their packaging methods are completely copied from Korea and Japan. So far, the screens of China, Japan and South Korea have gradually been occupied by small fresh meat!

    2. Niang Pao culture is worthy of vigilance

    If you set the time back to a few decades ago, even the Americans might not have thought that their cultural transformation of Japan would be so successful, and it would even affect the great eastern countries.

    The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency has the so-called "Ten Commandments," in which Articles 2 and 3 read:

    2. We must do everything possible to do a good job of communication, including movies, books, television, etc. As long as they yearn for our clothing, food, housing, transportation, entertainment and education, it is half the battle.

    3. It is necessary to divert the attention of their youth from tradition and focus their minds on: sports performances, enjoyment, games, entertainment movies, etc.
