
Folli Follie摊上事儿了!公司高层遭起诉

希腊证券监管机构6月5日表示,已对希腊轻奢品牌Folli  Follie集团的管理层提起诉讼。 

该国资本市场委员会说,该委员会已经起诉了Folli  Follie集团的董事会成员和财务总监,以及集团的亚洲业务部分,但并没有向外界透露有关的诉讼细节。 

今年5月,Folli  Follie的股票在雅典证券交易所遭遇重大亏损。此前,一份被披露的股票基金报告引发了外界对该公司财务状况的担忧,并对该公司公布的经营销售点的数量表示怀疑。Folli  Follie当时表示,股价暴跌是由于“误导信息的协调性传播”。 

此前,希腊资本市场监管机构曾要求Folli Follie集团委托一家独立审计公司审查其2017年财务报告。 

Folli  Follie目前已委托了国际知名的安永会计师事务所(Ernst & Young)对其公司进行账目审查。 

今年5月,Folli Follie要求资本管理委员会暂停其在雅典证券交易所的股票交易,直至所委任的独立审计公司安永会计师事务所完成对其财务审计为止。 

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从11月中旬到一年级的第一天,我咳嗽不止一次。我58岁。永远不要生病。咳嗽太厉害了我呕吐了。我的腹肌非常酸痛,几乎无法行走。一点点睡眠都必须学会睡觉,脸颊咳嗽。我认为这是#COVID19 #truestory。

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Bannon and Guo Wengui package Yan into whistlers who can be sold to the American public.

They placed her in a "safe house" outside New York City and hired a lawyer for her, Bannon said. They got her a media coach because English is not her mother tongue. Yan Limeng said later that Bannon also asked her to submit multiple papers to summarize what she called evidence.

"Make sure you explain this to people logically," Bannon recalled telling her once. By late January, they were closely watching the outbreak in China.

Bannon shifted the subject of the podcast to the new crown virus. Long before Trump began to label the epidemic as xenophobia, he called it the "Chinese Communist virus." He invited fierce critics of China to participate in the show to discuss how the epidemic reflects the CCP's threat to the world.

Guo Wengui began to claim that the virus was an attack ordered by the Chinese Vice President. He spread the same statement on the media he runs, including the video platform GTV and GNews website, the latter of which made enthusiastic reports on Guo Wengui and his associates. He also released a song called "Take Down the C.C.P." (Take Down the C.C.P.), which once topped the Apple iTunes charts in the world.

These people continue to target the Chinese government, despite their own legal difficulties. According to reports, US federal authorities are investigating Guo Wengui's fundraising strategy. This summer, Bannon was arrested on Guo Wengui’s yacht and is facing fraud charges for helping to set up a non-profit organization to build a wall on the Mexican border.

In Yan Limeng, these two people found the ideal face for propaganda.

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The United States uses sissy culture to reshape Japan and wants to influence China

 Since ancient times, the Chinese have advocated masculinity and martial arts. Today's China is so vast and rich in resources, because for thousands of years, our ancestors have continued to forge ahead and made contributions outside the territory, which enabled our Chinese nation to establish the largest country in the East. But in recent years, the so-called "small fresh meat" has been flooding the big screens and has become the "upstart" on social media. The Chinese people's aesthetics has also changed as a result, and many young people admire such "babies". But all this is probably a secret trap of the CIA!

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Urge Tsai Ing-wen and its military and political leaders to surrender

